تمامی فایل های موجود در آپادانا، توسط کاربران عرضه می شود. اگر مالک فایلی هستید که بدون اطلاع شما در سایت قرار گرفته، با شماره 09399483278 با ما تماس بگیرید.
مديريت بازاريابي صنعتي The Organizational Buyer Behavior Learning Organization

مديريت بازاريابي صنعتي The Organizational Buyer Behavior Learning Organization

ترجمه مقاله مديريت بازاريابي صنعتي (The Organizational Buyer Behavior Learning Organization)

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.7z

فرمت فایل اصلی: docx- pdf

تعداد صفحات: 19

حجم فایل:908 کیلوبایت

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  • ترجمه  مقاله 
    The Organizational
    Buyer Behavior
    Learning Organization
    G. Tomas M. Hult
    Ernest L. Nichols, Jr.
    This study develops a framework of integrated propositions
    of organizational learning in organizational buyer behavior. The
    focus is on the communication activities and relationships between
    and within the strategic business units operating within
    the purchasing process. Field support for the proposed relationships
    is provided in a series of case studies based on interviews
    with 30 managers of lO strategic business units of a major publicly
    owned global services organization. Implications are discussed
    based on the framework and the case studies.
    Address correspondence to G. Tomas M. Huh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
    of Marketing and Multinational Business, Department of Marketing, College
    of Business, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306.
    This research was supported by a grant from the Federal Express Corporation
    and the Federal Express Center for Cycle Time Research. The authors are grateful
    for the helpful insights and suggestions provided by O. C. Ferrell, Thomas N.
    Ingram, Patrick L. Schul, James C. Wetherbe, and Mark N. Frolick during different
    stages of this research.
    Chris, a newly hired marketing research analyst in the organization,
    needed a computer and printer for the office.
    Chris ordered a system following purchasing department
    procedures. Purchasing processed the order for the computer
    that arrived in 2 weeks, but held up the order for Chris's
    printer until enough printers were needed by the organization
    to get a quantity discount. Six weeks after the order
    was placed, Chris received the printer. Purchasing received
    a quantity discount for the organization's printer order. What
    purchasing did not consider was the productivity loss to Chris
    during the 6 weeks of not having a printer.
    The problem Chris encountered is common to most organizations.
    The purchasing culture often does not allow
    for input from users when it comes to evaluating the importance
    of cost factors versus total cycle times of the process.
    Commonly, the purchasing department views the cycle
    time of the process as too intangible to measure. No
    real benefits and values can be found in the reduction in
    the purchasing cycle. However, as illustrated in this brief
    Industrial Marketing Management 25, 197-207 (1996)
    © Elsevier Science Inc., 1996
    655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
    SSDI 0019-8501(95)00077-1

    برچسب ها: مديريت بازاريابي مديريت بازاريابي صنعتي بازاريابي صنعتي Learning Organization

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