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دانلود پاورپوینت Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient

دانلود پاورپوینت Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient

دانلود پاورپوینت Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient features نوع فایل: power point فرمت فایل: pptx قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید : 45 صفحه قسمتی از پاورپوینت : a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 1 November 2009 Received in revised form 2

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.pptx

فرمت فایل اصلی: pptx

تعداد صفحات: 45

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  • دانلود پاورپوینت Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient features

    نوع فایل: power point

    فرمت فایل: pptx

    قابل ویرایش

    تعداد اسلاید : 45 صفحه

    قسمتی از پاورپوینت :

    a r t i c l e i n f o
    Article history: Received 1 November 2009 Received in revised form 20 March 2010 Accepted 24 March 2010 Available online 18 April 2010
    Control chart pattern recognition Wavelet decomposition entropies Neural networks Learning algorithm Particle swarm optimization
    Automatic recognition of abnormal patterns in control charts has seen increasing demands nowadays in manufacturing processes. This study investigates the design of an accurate system for control chart pattern (CCP) recognition from two aspects. First, an efficient system is introduced that includes two main modules: the feature extraction module and the classifier module. The feature extraction module uses the entropies of the wavelet packets. These are applied for the first time in this area. In the classifier module several neural networks, such as the multilayer perceptron and radial basis function, are investigated. Using an experimental study, we choose the best classifier in order to recognize the CCPs.

    Second, we propose a hybrid heuristic recognition system based on particle swarm optimization to improve the eneralization performance of the classifier. The results obtained clearly confirm that further improvements in terms of recognition accuracy can be achieved by the proposed recognition system. ' 2010 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    1. Introduction Control chart patterns (CCPs) are important statistical process control tools for determining whether a process is run in its intended mode or in the presence of unnatural patterns. CCPs can exhibit six types of pattern: normal (NR), cyclic (CC), increasing trend (IT), decreasing trend (DT), upward shift (US) and downward shift (DS) [1]. All patterns other than normal patterns indicate that the process being monitored is not functioning correctly and requires adjustment

    برچسب ها: دانلود پاورپوینت Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using an Optimized Neural Network and Efficient features نوع فایل: power point فرمت فایل: pptx قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید : 45 صفحه قسمتی از پاورپوینت : a r t i c l e i n f o Artic

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