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دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors

دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors

دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors نوع فایل: power point فرمت فایل: pptx قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید : 135 صفحه قسمتی از پاورپوینت : In this chapter you will learn: To use the array data structure to represent a set of related data items. To use arrays to store, sort and search lists and tables

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.ppt

فرمت فایل اصلی: pptx

تعداد صفحات: 135

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  • دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors

    نوع فایل: power point

    فرمت فایل: pptx

    قابل ویرایش

    تعداد اسلاید : 135 صفحه

    قسمتی از پاورپوینت :

    In this chapter you will learn:
    To use the array data structure to represent a set of related data items.
    To use arrays to store, sort and search lists and tables of values.
    To declare arrays, initialize arrays and refer to the individual elements of arrays.
    To pass arrays to functions.
    Basic searching and sorting techniques.
    To declare and manipulate multidimensional arrays.
    To use C++ Standard Library class template vector.
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Arrays
    7.3 Declaring Arrays
    7.4 Examples Using Arrays
    7.5 Passing Arrays to Functions
    7.6 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an Array to Store Grades
    7.7 Searching Arrays with Linear Search
    7.8 Sorting Arrays with Insertion Sort
    7.9 Multidimensional Arrays
    7.10 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional Array
    7.11 Introduction to C++ Standard Library Class Template vector
    7.12 (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Collaboration Among Objects in the ATM System
    7.13 Wrap-Up
    Data structures containing related data items of same type
    Always remain the same size once created
    Are “static” entities
    Character arrays can also represent strings
    C-style pointer-based arrays vs. vectors (object-based)
    Vectors are safer and more versatile

    برچسب ها: دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors پاورپوینت Arrays and Vectors Arrays and Vectors Vectors دانلود پاورپوینت Arrays

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