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دانلود مقاله Personalized medicine A paradigm shift in healthcare 2013

دانلود مقاله Personalized medicine A paradigm shift in healthcare 2013

دانلود مقاله : Personalized medicine: A paradigm shift in healthcare 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.pdf

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حجم فایل:427 کیلوبایت

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    Personalized medicine: A paradigm shift in healthcare 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Wen-Ling Liao  , Fuu-Jen Tsai

    چکیده : 

    Personalized medicine is based on the established principle that each individual is born

    with unique biological characteristics. Genomics, the science of studying the genes in a

    genome and their interactions with each other, forms the foundation of personalized

    medicine. Several genomic methods are currently used to identify susceptibility loci for

    diseases or phenotypic traits, namely, linkage analysis, candidate gene association studies,

    and genome-wide association studies. The success of personalized medicine depends on

    having accurate diagnostic tests capable of identifying patients who can benefit from

    targeted therapy. Larger cohort studies plus the application of genome-wide association

    studies offer great potential for identifying the genetic factors that influence the pharmacology

    of specific drugs. By combining these approaches, physicians can predict health

    risks, determine and quantify the dynamics of disease development, and tailor therapeutic

    protocols to the needs of the individual. In this review, we focus on the effect of genetic

    profiling on disease outcomes as well as the potential of genomic methods to predict

    disease and drug response


    برچسب ها: genomics personalized medicine predict

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تمامي كالاها و خدمات اين فروشگاه، حسب مورد داراي مجوزهاي لازم از مراجع مربوطه مي باشند و فعاليت هاي اين سايت تابع قوانين و مقررات جمهوري اسلامي ايران است.
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