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دانلود Chapter 1 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics of Concrete

دانلود Chapter 1 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics of Concrete

دانلود Chapter 1 : Introduction to Fracture Mechanics of Concrete

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تعداد مشاهده: 20 مشاهده

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  • دانلود 
    Chapter 1 : Introduction to Fracture Mechanics of Concrete
    نویسنده : 
    S. Kumar, S.V. Barai, Concrete Fracture Models and Applications
    DOI : 10.1007-978-3-642-16764-5_1
    فرمت: pdf

    Fracture mechanics is a branch of solid mechanics which deals with the behavior of

    the material and conditions in the vicinity of a crack and at the crack tip. While the

    concept of linear elastic fracture mechanics has been well developed for more than

    past 40 years and successfully applied to metallic structures, several civil engineering

    materials such as cementitious materials, rocks, and fiber-reinforced composites

    commonly known as quasibrittle need a different fracture mechanics approach to

    model the fracture process. Cementitious materials can be modeled at various scales

    like the nano-, micro-, meso-, and macrolevels. At mesolevel, they can be considered

    as a two-phase particulate composite, i.e., the matrix and the reinforcement.

    In the cement pastes, mortar, and concrete, the matrices can be considered as the

    hydrated cement gels, cement paste, and mortar, respectively, whereas the reinforcements

    in the corresponding materials can be taken as unhydrated cement particles,

    fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates.

    برچسب ها: C Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Concrete Fracture Models and Applications DOI 10 1007 978 3 642 16764 5 1 S Kumar S V Barai دانلود Chapter 1 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics of Concrete

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