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دانلود مقاله NPT Based Video Watermarking with Non-overlapping Block Matching

دانلود مقاله NPT Based Video Watermarking with Non-overlapping Block Matching

دانلود مقاله NPT Based Video Watermarking with Non-overlapping Block Matching

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 12 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله 
    NPT Based Video Watermarking with Non-overlapping Block Matching
    نویسنده : 
    S.S. Bedi , Shekhar Verma , and Geetam S. Tomar
    DOI : 10.1007-978-3-642-17697-5_14
    فرمت: pdf

    Abstract. The paper presents a naturalness preserving transform (NPT) based

    collusion and compression resistant watermarking technique for video. An image

    that is statistically similar to a video frame is chosen as the watermark and

    this image is embedded independently in consecutive frames of the video. To

    enhance the resistance to inter frame collusion based attacks, a non-overlapping

    block matching is used to determine the region for placing the watermark in

    consecutive frames. Only a trace of the watermark image is embedded which

    enhances the robustness of the watermark to different attacks. When a frame

    and the image become substantially different, another image is chosen as the

    watermark. The size of the watermark determines the quality of the watermarked

    video frames. Watermark extraction is blind and requires only the region

    where the watermark was originally placed. The reconstruction process is

    iterative and bestows immunity the watermark against noise and lossy compression.

    Analysis indicates that the watermark is sufficiently immune to second

    order inter-frame statistical attacks and is quite robust to image level compression.

    Experimental results confirm these theoretical findings and demonstrate

    the resistance of the technique to temporal frame averaging, additive noise and

    JPEG based compression. However, the technique is limited by the fact that the

    original video sequence (frames) is required for reconstruction based recovery

    of the watermark from the watermarked video sequence.

    برچسب ها: 2010 DOI 10 1007 978 3 642 17697 5 14 LNCS 6480 M L Gavrilova et al Eds Trans on Comput Sci XI S S Bedi Shekhar Verma Video Watermarking and Geetam S Tomar attacks naturalness preserving transform pp 270 292 دانلود مقاله NPT B

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