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دانلود مقاله Native and non-native students’ interaction with a text-based prompt 2013

دانلود مقاله Native and non-native students’ interaction with a text-based prompt 2013

دانلود مقاله : Native and non-native students’ interaction with a text-based prompt 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 10 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.pdf

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    Native and non-native students’ interaction with a text-based prompt 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Ruey-Jiuan Regina Wu

    چکیده : 

    The present study aims to continue in a vein of research which

    examines the effects of essay prompts on examinees’ writing performance

    by closely investigating 40 student essays produced from

    a university-wide reading-to-write test. Quantitative and qualitative

    results of this study show that native and non-native writers

    at different proficiency levels exhibit variety in their selection of

    lexical items and propositional material from the background reading.

    Among other things, it is found that the higher-rated native

    group outperformed the other groups in their ability to identify

    topical information and in a better sense of what details from the

    source text to include. The two non-native groups, although able

    to locate superordinate propositions of the source text, lack native

    writers’ ability to readjust their selection of material according to

    the author’s epistemological stance. The lower-rated native writers

    paid little attention to the source text and merely used the substance

    of the text as a “springboard” to elicit their own opinions in

    response to the topic. Possible explanations for these results and

    their implications for writing pedagogy and assessment are also


    برچسب ها: Writing assessment L1 L2 Reading to write Writing prompt Placement exam

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