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دانلود مقاله Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar mod

دانلود مقاله Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar mod

دانلود مقاله : Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar models 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 13 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    Defensive posture and eyespots deter avian predators from attacking caterpillar models 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Thomas John Hossie , Thomas N. Sherratt

    چکیده : 

    Many lepidopteran caterpillars appear to gain protection from insect-eating birds because they possess

    eyespots, a pair of conspicuous markings on the body generally thought to resemble the eyes of a

    predator. Similarly, many caterpillars widen their anterior body segments when threatened, and this

    defensive posture may also deter attack because it emphasizes the caterpillar’s eyes and/or allows the

    caterpillar to resemble a snake more closely. Yet, given that this behaviour is not limited to caterpillars

    with eyespots, it is possible that the defensive posture may serve as a predator deterrent in itself. To

    disentangle the protective value of eyespots and widened anterior body segments, we created four types

    of artificial caterpillar in a 22 factorial design and deployed them on tree branches in the field where

    they were exposed to predation attempts by wild birds. The ‘survivorship’ of the artificial caterpillars was

    monitored over 90 h in six locations.We found a clear survival advantage for artificial prey with eyespots

    or a widened head shape. However, prey possessing both eyespots and a widened head did not survive

    longer than prey with either characteristic alone, suggesting that the traits did not act synergistically to

    deter attack. Interestingly though, only caterpillars in the eyespot-defensive posture treatment received

    more pecks directed towards the anterior ‘head’ region. Collectively, this study demonstrates clearly that

    caterpillars possessing either eyespots or widened anterior body segments are likely to experience

    reduced predation by wild birds, even at northern latitudes where there are relatively few arboreal


    برچسب ها: antipredator caterpillar eyespot mimicry morphology protective coloration

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