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دانلود مقاله The contract accounting and trust A case study of an international joint venture

دانلود مقاله The contract accounting and trust A case study of an international joint venture

دانلود مقاله : The contract, accounting and trust: A case study of an international joint venture (IJV) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 9 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.pdf

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حجم فایل:427 کیلوبایت

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    The contract, accounting and trust: A case study of an international joint venture (IJV) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Mathew Tsamenyia , Ahmad Z. Qureshib, Hassan Yazdifarc

    چکیده : 

    This paper reports on the results of a case study that examines the effect of the contract

    and accounting on inter-organisational trust in an international joint venture (IJV). The

    empirical setting of the research was an IJV relation between a United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    firm and its western partner. Data were gathered from multiple sources, including documents,

    observations, interviews and discussions with managers. The paper aims to explore

    the process of trust development and the role of the contract and accounting in this. We

    find that trust developed differently for the partners. Moreover the trust concerns of the

    partners were not the same. Based on this we conclude that trust was not automatically

    reciprocated. Instead it needs relating to other items such as the contract, accounting and

    also the institutional environment. The open-book accounting we observed could only be

    termed ‘partial’ because the western partner had access to the local partner’s books but not

    the vice versa. But this partial open-book accounting created conflicts between the partners.

    We argue that developing one kind of trust through one particular medium may help

    one party but may damage the relationship between the partners.

    برچسب ها: Accounting Trust Contracts International joint ventures Open book accounting Less developed countries United Arab Emirates

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