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دانلود مقاله Evolution of individual variation in behaviour and behavioural plasticity under scra

دانلود مقاله Evolution of individual variation in behaviour and behavioural plasticity under scra

دانلود مقاله : Evolution of individual variation in behaviour and behavioural plasticity under scramble competition 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله :
    Evolution of individual variation in behaviour and behavioural plasticity under scramble competition 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Chang S. Han, Robert C. Brooks

    چکیده :

    In scramble competition mating systems, individual behaviours related to maleemale competition are

    expected to be plastic across sociosexual environments. However, the evolutionary forces that shape

    individual differences in behavioural plasticity remain poorly understood. We measured behaviour

    associated with scramble competition in male water striders, Tenagogerris euphrosyne, in two social

    contexts. Male T. euphrosyne tend to mount other individuals or pairs indiscriminately and then

    dismount if their target is either another male or a mating pair. We measured the speed with which a

    focal male dismounted (i.e. his sensitivity to having made an inappropriate mounting) in each of these

    contexts. We quantified temporal consistency of dismount speed within each context, as well as individual

    variation in behavioural plasticity across contexts. We then estimated the effect of the behaviour

    and of plasticity on individual fitness in different sex ratio conditions. We found that individuals differed

    in their recognition sensitivity traits, and also in how plastic their sensitivity (i.e. dismount speed) was to

    context (mating status or sex). When we measured the mating success of each male within experimental

    groups kept at four different sex ratios, recognition sensitivity traits in both contexts interacted to

    influence mating success, and there were significant differences in linear selection on sensitivity traits

    between sex ratio treatments. We discuss how insensitive males evolve, and how individual variation in

    behavioural plasticity could be maintained by selection or environmental variability.


    برچسب ها: behavioural plasticity behavioural reaction norm recognition sensitivity scramble competition Tenagogerris euphrosyne water strider

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