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دانلود مقاله Pseudoreplication a widespread problem in primate communication research 2013

دانلود مقاله Pseudoreplication a widespread problem in primate communication research 2013

دانلود مقاله : Pseudoreplication: a widespread problem in primate communication research 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله :
    Pseudoreplication: a widespread problem in primate communication research 2013
    نویسندگان :
    B. M. Waller  , L. Warmelink  , K. Liebal , J. Micheletta  , K. E. Slocombe

    چکیده :

    Pseudoreplication (the pooling fallacy) is a widely acknowledged statistical error in the behavioural

    sciences. Taking a large number of data points from a small number of animals creates a false impression

    of a better representation of the population. Studies of communication may be particularly prone to

    artificially inflating the data set in this way, as the unit of interest (the facial expression, the call or the

    gesture) is a tempting unit of analysis. Primate communication studies (551) published in scientific

    journals from 1960 to 2008 were examined for the simplest form of pseudoreplication (taking more than

    one data point from each individual). Of the studies that used inferential statistics, 38% presented at least

    one case of pseudoreplicated data. An additional 16% did not provide enough information to rule out

    pseudoreplication. Generalized linear mixed models determined that one variable significantly increased

    the likelihood of pseudoreplication: using observational methods. Actual sample size (number of animals)

    and year of publication were not associated with pseudoreplication. The high prevalence of

    pseudoreplication in the primate communication research articles, and the fact that there has been no

    decline since key papers warned against pseudoreplication, demonstrates that the problem needs to be

    more actively addressed

    برچسب ها: ape facial expression gesture monkey pooling fallacy pseudoreplication statistics vocalization

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