تمامی فایل های موجود در آپادانا، توسط کاربران عرضه می شود. اگر مالک فایلی هستید که بدون اطلاع شما در سایت قرار گرفته، با شماره 09399483278 با ما تماس بگیرید.
دانلود مقاله Association analysis between Tourette’s syndrome and two dopamine genes DAT1 DBH

دانلود مقاله Association analysis between Tourette’s syndrome and two dopamine genes DAT1 DBH

دانلود مقاله : Association analysis between Tourette’s syndrome and two dopamine genes (DAT1, DBH) in Taiwanese children 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 9 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    Association analysis between Tourette’s syndrome and two dopamine genes (DAT1, DBH) in Taiwanese children 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    I-Ching Chou a,b, Wei-De Lin c,d, Chung-Hsing Wanga, Yu-Tzu Chang a, Zheng-Nan Chin a, Chang-Hai Tsai a,e, Fuu-Jen Tsai

    چکیده : 

    Background: Recent research suggests that Tourette’s syndrome (TS) may result from a defect

    in the dopamine system. Several candidate gene polymorphisms have been implicated in

    attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, including the dopamine transporter (DAT1) and

    dopamine b-hydroxylase (DBH) genes. A high rate of comorbidity between attention deficit

    hyperactivity disorder and TS indicates that they may share the same pathophysiology.

    Purpose: We aimed to test the hypothesis that the dopamine gene might play a role in TS.

    Methods: An association study, using an independent sample of patients from the midland

    region of Taiwan, was performed to investigate whether DAT1 and DBH gene polymorphisms

    can be used as markers of susceptibility to TS. A total of 160 children with TS and 83 normal

    control participantswere includedin the study. Polymerase chainreactionwas usedto identify

    polymorphisms in the DAT1 (40 bp VNTR) and DBH (TaqI A2) genes. Genotypes and allelic

    frequencies for the DAT1 and DBH gene polymorphisms in both groups were compared.

    Results: The results showed that genotypes and allelic frequencies in both groups were

    not significantly different. The most common genotype for DAT1 (40 bp VNTR) was the

    10,10 homozygote in both groups. The most common genotype for DBH (TaqI A2) was the

    T homozygote in both groups.

    Conclusion: These data suggest that the DAT1 and DBH genes may not be useful markers to

    predict susceptibility to TS.

    برچسب ها: dopamine beta hydroxylase gene dopamine transporter gene polymorphism Tourette s syndrome

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