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دانلود مقاله Appearance of acanthosis nigricans may precede obesity An involvement of the insul

دانلود مقاله Appearance of acanthosis nigricans may precede obesity An involvement of the insul

دانلود مقاله : Appearance of acanthosis nigricans may precede obesity: An involvement of the insulin/IGF receptor signaling pathway 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 1 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله : 
    Appearance of acanthosis nigricans may precede obesity: An involvement of the insulin/IGF receptor signaling pathway 2013
    نویسندگان : 
    Chung-Hsing Wanga,b, Wei-De Lin c,d,h, Da-Tian Bau e, I-Ching Chou a,f, Chang-Hai Tsai a,g, Fuu-Jen Tsai

    چکیده :

    Background: Obesity is one of the main causes of preventable death. Complications of

    childhood obesity include cardiovascular risk, impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes

    mellitus, and acanthosis nigricans (AN; associated with obesity as a manifestation of

    cutaneous insulin resistance). An interaction between AN and obesity as well as a detailed

    mechanism for the pre- and co-obesity appearance of AN in children are still to be


    Purposes: This research tries to assess involvement of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor

    (IGF) receptor pathway in childhood pre- and co-obesity AN via a study of the association of

    polymorphisms of the INSR, IRS1, and IGF1R genes with pre- and co-obesity AN.

    Methods: In total, 99 children with pre- and co-obesity AN and 100 healthy controls were

    genotyped and analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length

    polymorphism method.

    Results: Intergroup frequency differed starkly for INSR His1085His and IGF1R IVS7-20, but

    not in the IRS1 Ala804Ala or IGF1R Thr766Thr genotypes. The T allele of INSR His1085His

    and C allele of IGF1R IVS7-20 both conferred a starkly( p¼0.04 and 2.84E-6 ¼ 2.84 x 106,

    respectively)higher risk for AN.

    Conclusion: The above findings suggest that certain genetic variants in insulin/insulin-like

    growth factor (IGF) receptor pathway might be correlated with the appearance of AN prior

    to or concurrent with obesity, and also reveal the insulin/IGF receptor pathway as crucial in

    pre- and co-obesity AN.


    برچسب ها: acanthosis nigricans insulin obesity polymorphism

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