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دانلود مقاله Classification of dry-cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared

دانلود مقاله Classification of dry-cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared

دانلود مقاله Classification of dry-cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared spectra and artificial neural networks 2013

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 14 مشاهده

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  • دانلود مقاله 
    Classification of dry-cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared spectra and artificial neural networks 2013
    نویسنده : 
    M. Prevolnik  D. Andronikov  , B. Žlender , M. Font-i-Furnols  , M. Novič  , D. Škorjanc  , M. Čandek-Potokar

    چکیده  : 

    An attempt to classify dry-cured hams according to the maturation time on the basis of near infrared (NIR)

    spectra was studied. The study comprised 128 samples of biceps femoris (BF) muscle from dry-cured hams

    matured for 10 (), 12 (), 14 () or 16 months (). Samples were minced and

    scanned in the wavelength range from 400 to 2500 nm using spectrometer NIR System model 6500 (Silver

    Spring, MD, USA). Spectral data were used for i) splitting of samples into the training and test set using 2D

    Kohonen artificial neural networks (ANN) and for ii) construction of classification models using counterpropagation

    ANN (CP-ANN). Different models were tested, and the one selected was based on the lowest percentage

    of misclassified test samples (external validation). Overall correctness of the classification was 79.7%,

    which demonstrates practical relevance of using NIR spectroscopy and ANN for dry-cured ham processing


    برچسب ها: Classification of dry cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared spectra and artificial neural networks 2013 Dry cured ham Classification Near infrared spectroscopy Artificial neural networks بانک مقاله ایران دانلود مقاله

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